October 29, 2020

China Virus and Immunity

Articles by Dr. Erdman are for informational purposes, and are not to be taken as specific medical advice.


Yes, this is another article on the China virus! It is the topic of the year, with so much misinformation I feel the need to present a reasoned argument for sanity in this “crisis.”

If you’ve read these columns for any amount of time, I’d guess you already know I’m not a fan of vaccines, in most any case. A Covid vaccine will not change my attitude on this topic.

If they made a vaccine out of saline water and just told everyone that it worked, I’d be all for it just to get back to normal life! Beyond that, let all the sheeple take any vaccine that they come up with, while you continue a healthy lifestyle.

It’s important to realize you have two types of immunity. Your innate system is the quick response, first line of defense to invaders. Your adaptive system is a slow, long term immune response that “remembers” previous exposures.

The adaptive system is further divided into humeral immunity and cell mediated immunity (the T-cell immunity you’ve likely heard about.)

We also know that people can be protected by exposure to completely different, yet closely related, diseases. With Covid, they found that the common cold viruses OC43 and HKU1 can make you more resistant to SARS-COV-2 infection.

On the flip side, there is a phenomenon known as viral interference. That says that exposure to one virus can make you more susceptible to other viruses. More importantly, research (Vaccine, Jan 10, 2020; 38(2):350-354) has found that those who take the seasonal influenza vaccine were 36% MORE susceptible to coronavirus infection! That means all this push to get the flu shot to help with the China virus immunity is a lie! And they know it, because the research has already told them it is of no help.

Study after study has now shown most people already have immunity to this disease. I will list the journal, month and year of the ones Dr. Mercola has pointed to in a recent article:

Cell, June 2020; Nature Immunology, September 2020; The Lancet Microbe, September 2020; Nature, July 2020; and Cell, August 2020. All have found larger herd immunity than some recognize.

The more data that becomes available about the China virus, the more it becomes obvious that the worlds response to fight it has been grossly overblown! Fatality statistics, from many sources and calculated many ways, shows the risk of dying from this disease to be lower than your risk of dying from conventional flu, at least if you are under 60 years old.

The overall data on deaths show there are no excess deaths this entire year, then any other “normal” year. In other words, Covid-19 has not killed off more people than would have died in any given year anyway! Different people may have been killed, but the numbers show there are not more people dying.

Multiple studies have shown the infection is far more widespread than anyone imagined, and that the threshold for herd immunity is far lower than previously estimated. That threshold is well below 50%, and one study even showed 9%.

If a majority already have some measure of immunity due to prior exposure to other coronaviruses, then we’ve likely reached herd immunity, and vaccinating the planet is not necessary to put this thing behind us.