September 17, 2015

Trans Fats

Articles by Dr. Erdman are for informational purposes, and are not to be taken as specific medical advice.

Over the last several years of writing these articles, I’ve hit the topic of saturated fats, cholesterol and your heart health quite a few times. The school of thought that saturated fats are good for you continues to be proven correct. Even more recent research has come in on the side of the healthiness of saturated fats. The recent research also points to the real villain that fries (no pun intended) your heart, that being trans fats.

Back in February, the US government’s Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee surprisingly eliminated warnings about dietary cholesterol and reversed their long standing nutrition policy by concluding that dietary fats have no ill effects on the heart.

For a long time healthy fats and cholesterol have been taking the blame for heart disease, but over 70 studies no show it to be a false flag.

September 03, 2015

Ice or Heat?

Articles by Dr. Erdman are for informational purposes, and are not to be taken as specific medical advice.

Do I use heat or ice, Doc? This seems to be the most commonly asked question in my office. People find it difficult to remember when to use which one.

Applying ice or heat can provide relief from injuries, aches and pains, but they cannot be used interchangeably. In a general sense, ice works best for sudden injury, while heat is best to soothe longer term aches and pains.