March 28, 2019

Why Anti-Vaccine? Part 2

Articles by Dr. Erdman are for informational purposes, and are not to be taken as specific medical advice.

As we continue to look at the science of the immune system, we will see why immunizations are not a normal part of the process, and why they have no part in keeping you healthy.  Your body recognizes a shot for what it is, a poisonous invader, yet the response is completely different from a naturally acquired invasion of the same disease.

Did you know that 80% of your immune system is in your gut? All of the bacteria in your body are called the Bionome. You can control the 80% in your gut; the other 20% is beyond your control, for good or bad. As science learns more about our defense mechanisms, they are realizing that antibodies to disease are but a small part of our lines of defense. Unfortunately, antibody titers are all that conventional medicines approach to disease control cares about. A TH1 response occurs in reaction to naturally obtained infectious diseases.   A TH2 occurs with vaccines and with a few other areas of body responses, like toxin and allergy mediation.

March 14, 2019

Why Anti- Vaccine? Part 1

Articles by Dr. Erdman are for informational purposes, and are not to be taken as specific medical advice.

Since the recent outbreak of measles all over the country, I have been getting a lot of questions about immunizations.    There are many scientific reasons that I am in the anti-vaccine crowd.  Today, the pressure is intense for state and federal governments to step in and start demanding compulsory vaccinations, denying you any choice in the matter.  The following series of article should give anyone, who can still think critically, pause for such action.  Vaccinations do not confer immunity like they tell us they do.  This is not simply a dogmatic belief of mine and many others, it is based in scientific evidence that really cannot be disputed.  If you have reproducible evidence to the contrary, beliefs do not matter.