May 13, 2021

Pandemic Fear Mongering

Articles by Dr. Erdman are for informational purposes, and are not to be taken as specific medical advice.


The fear in this “pandemic” is like nothing I’ve ever seen. The breadth and depth of the strategies used to stoke these fears is insane. Emergency use orders, mask mandates, stay at home orders, arresting pastors for holding church services are all part of the mass propaganda narrative. All of this over a disease with a survival rate over 99%.

“It bears repeating that a review of literature by respected Stanford University professor of medicine and epidemiology, John Ioannidis, published in the Bulletin of the World Health Organization (WHO), found the infection fatality rate for Covid-19 as of September 2020, was 0.23%!”, Says Dr. Mercola. In people younger than 70 years it was much lower. This rate is determined by dividing total deaths by total cases.

This fear is also generated by information suppression by corporation, the pharmaceutical industry and government agencies. They will stop at nothing to scare you into submission.

As an example of the narrative, heart disease has a death rate of 4.3% in the USA. Do you hear calls for banning sugar laden foods, smoking or mandating exercise? Of course not. They don’t really care about your health, only the power they get from controlling you.

Let’s move on to how they have treated the use of Ivermectin in this time of need.  This drug has been studied for years for its antiviral properties. They’ve put it up against Zika virus, influenza A, Venezuelan Equine virus and West Nile Virus. All showed positive outcomes treating those viruses. But when suggested for this virus, even the manufacturer, Merck, now says there is a concerning lack of safety data and the “WHO” is concerned it may create a “false confidence.” What?!  With 30 plus years of data, now you say its risky?!  I don’t believe it for one second.

The WHO ignored their own commissioned report that showed using Ivermectin could cut Covid-19 deaths by 75%! They instead cherry-picked data to support the drug be used only in clinical trials. How insane! But why?

Of course, it comes down to money. A course of treatment with Ivermectin costs between $17 and $77. But the drug they recommended, Remdesivir, costs $3120 for a typical treatment. And that drug has shown less than effective results with significant side effects to boot!

The 30 years of clinical trials for Ivermectin show it to be “highly effective and broad spectrum, safe, well tolerated and easily administered,” says Dr. Mercola.

This war against Ivermectin does not stem from science or research. It isn’t because its ineffective or dangerous. It is solely because the government and big pharma want billions of dollars for vaccines.  Talk about a wealth transfer.

Your job is to get the word out that Ivermectin is usable for treatment for many viral diseases, not just Covid-19. After hearing this type of information, only a fool would take a more expensive, less studied and less effective treatment. “Vaccines” are just that, they are health killing, DNA changing molecules that do not even belong in the conversation.  Look up a YouTube video conversation with Geert Vanden Bosshe, PhD, DVM, an expert in vaccinations, on his opinion of this shot.  It will change your mind.

Obviously, these are my opinions, based on facts, the same can’t be said for vaccines and those who push them, because they lack any long-standing research.  They are experimental, emergency use only, stabs in the dark.  Even if they do ever get “approval”, there is too much unknown about mRNA molecules changing your own DNA sequences for me to comfortable.