Articles by Dr. Erdman are for informational purposes, and are not to be taken as specific medical advice.
Instead of writing about how over-hyped this Covid response
has been yet again, this week we will focus on the known risk factors, remedies
and treatments, both natural and pharmacologic.
In this article I am doing a synopsis of an article published by “Swiss
Policy Research.” You can see the entire published article at,
and all the references for the claimed treatments and protocols.
There are certain preventive, or prophylactic, treatments
that everyone can and should be acting on right now. These things will give
your body the best shot at overcoming or even preventing you from contracting
this virus.
Number one is Vitamin D3. Many studies have shown a strong link between deficiency and Covid 19 severity of symptoms. Taking 2000-5000 IU daily should be your normal dose even without this virus around.
The next supplement is Zinc. By having adequate blood
levels, you reduce the likelihood of hospitalization by 84%, and the likelihood
of death by 45%. A Spanish study found zinc levels below 50 mg/dl increased
death risk by 130%!
Others to consider are bromhexine, Vitamin C and Quercetin.
All need to be taken daily as a preventive measure. This is due to the long
incubation period of 14 days for this virus. By the time you are showing
symptoms, the viral load is greater and your time to react is only days before
overload of the system becomes more likely.
If you haven’t done any prophylactic treatments as suggested
above, and you are showing symptoms right now, the following are the suggested
treatments to secure a faster recovery, intending to keep you out of the
These look almost like the preventive treatment but at much
higher doses. The same zinc, Quercetin, Bromhexine, Vitamin D and C (high doses
intravenously may even be of greater value) are suggested. One additional
treatment in the form of simple aspirin has shown to reduce mortality by
blocking blood clotting and reducing the likelihood of lung thrombosis,
embolism and stroke.
These heavy-duty early treatments should be started at the
first symptoms, even without a positive test. What should NOT be done is send
the patient home and wait for worsening symptoms! Treating early is the key to
Prescription only treatments may become necessary if
conditions keep spiraling downward. At this point the worst thing to do is to
be put on a ventilator. The latest recommendations are to use oxygen therapy
Ivermectin is a strong antiviral and anti-inflammatory drug
that has shown to reduce mortality in even severe cases by up to 90%. This drug
can be used prophylactically in early stages, and all the way to severe
conditions. In a study of 33 Covid patients who had a “long” version of the
disease, use of Ivermectin completely resolved 94% of those cases.
Contrary to popular media opinion, Hydrochloroquine and zinc
is a safe and effective for treatment of this virus. Zinc itself ha shown rapid
resolution of Covid symptoms with early high doses.
Again, Vitamin D in high doses (up to 100,000 IU) reduced
the risk of requiring intensive care by 96%, and reduce mortality by 89%. A
British Study of 1000 hospitalized patients found an 80% reduction in deaths.
As you can see, there are treatments with huge success rates
for this flu like virus. Keep these in mind for yourself and loved ones that my
find themselves having symptoms. You will likely need to demand these
treatments from doctors. They are not likely to go to these protocols first. Go
to the website I gave earlier in the article and print it out. Take it with you
to the doctor or hospital and give it to others.
These protocols are not conjecture; they are real studies
with real results with actual Covid patients.
Anyone who tells you this disease is anything more than
possibly a severe flu is not being honest.
Yes, people have died and some are very sick. But treatment
is available and the death rate is low at this point. All viruses claim lives
at some point. This one is no different. If you get it, treat it appropriately
and there is a 99.7% chance you will live!