August 06, 2020

Inflated Flu Deaths and Covid

Articles by Dr. Erdman are for informational purposes, and are not to be taken as specific medical advice.


With the focus of people completely shifted to this Chinese Virus, there have been telling revelations about the yearly influenza season.

Many people, including me, have compared flu death statistics and China virus death statistics. An amazing admission from the CDC has now come out on this comparison. They now say that comparing the two diseases death rates is like comparing apples to oranges. They readily admit they do not actually count every flu case, and the death numbers they put out are just estimates. While with the China virus, they are actually “counting” every case.  Maybe so.

In an article published in JAMA Internal Medicine by Drs. Jeremy Foust of Harvard Medical School and Carlos de Rio of Emory University School of Medicine, they say, “the CDC’s estimates of flu deaths between 2013-14 and 2018-19 ranged from 23,000 to 61,000. However, counted flu deaths during that same period were between 3,448 and 15,620 yearly.”  Quite a difference!

“On average, the CDC estimates of deaths attributed to influenza were nearly six times greater than its reported counted numbers.”

Given these significant discrepancies between the CDC’s estimated flu deaths and the actual counts, have we simply been talked into flu vaccines all these years for no reason? (Asked and answered long before this!)

Its already known that more than 80% of the respiratory infections that occur during the “flu season” are NOT actually caused by type A or B influenza, but are “influenza-like” illnesses. This is why when you go to the doctor with a bad cold, and they test you for flu, it is an 80% chance it is not the flu.  So that means a flu shot, therefore, will do nothing to prevent what you have more than 80% of the time just for this reason!  No matter how loud they scream that you need a flu shot, it is virtually worthless.

Research published in 2018 found that repeated annual flu shots do little to protect you or your community. In fact, those who get a flu shot actually excrete the infectious virus through their breath!

Further, while influenza can be deadly in rare cases, what most health experts fail to tell you is that these deaths are likely the result of secondary infections, like pneumonia and sepsis, not the virus itself. Also, the flu vaccine is notoriously ineffective in the exact group they claim need it the most, high risk senior citizens! 

In fact, your chances of getting the flu after vaccination are still greater than 50/50 in any given year. The CDC data shows a 36% effectiveness for the vaccine in the 2017-18 season.

By trying to make this China virus look horrible, the health experts have inadvertently admitted that the flu is not what they say it is, that they inflate the death numbers to scare people into getting their vaccines, and that vaccines really don’t work anyway. How’s that for a positive outcome of the China Virus scare?!

Meanwhile, the current data from the CDC on the China virus shows a fatality rate of those under 45 of “almost zero,” and between the ages of 45-70, its somewhere between 0.05% and 0.3%. Hardly the death rates predicted in the beginning.  And don’t tell me its because we mitigated…that is just not true!

Current CDC data shows deaths from pneumonia, influenza and Covid have declined for 12 straight weeks, suggesting deaths have bottomed out, yet the government is still fast tracking a push for vaccines.

The fear mongering of a second China Virus wave in conjunction with flu season has already started in the media. Rather than succumbing to the fear, take action now to boost your immune system against all kinds of infectious disease.

Clinical trials of Vitamin D as it relates to the China virus are underway, but we already know that Vitamin D optimization is a great idea, not just for this virus, but for any others that come along. Do it today!