Articles by Dr. Erdman are for informational purposes, and are not to be taken as specific medical advice.
Ever since the measles outbreak originating at Disneyland
started, I’ve been itching to write an article on the hypocrisy of those
calling for mandatory vaccinations. The pharmaceutical companies played a first
class propaganda ploy to ensure profits at the expense of your health.
They say those of us who don’t vaccinate pose a serious
danger to the rest of society. Apparently we are all pharmaceutically deficient
and need to be forced to get their vaccines or be punished and segregated.
Several states must agree with that premise, namely West
Virginia, Mississippi, and California. They have laws on the books making it
illegal for a healthy unvaccinated child to get a public education. That’s
right, if you don’t vaccinate because you don’t like the health consequences,
you may not be in public schools because you are so dangerous.
Here’s the hypocrisy: If my unvaccinated child not infected
with Hepatitis B is not allowed in school because they are a danger to others
health, why is a child with Hepatitis B allowed to be in school?
Dr. Mercola says this, “It is illogical for the state to
pass laws unfairly punishing healthy unvaccinated children by preventing them
from getting a school education, and punishing unvaccinated adults by
preventing them from being employed as health or childcare workers while
millions of children and adults infected with hepatitis B and C, syphilis,
gonorrhea and other transmittable infectious diseases are allowed to go to
school and be employed without facing similar discrimination and segregation
from society.”
There is no doubt that big pharma money greased the wheels
of the California assembly in order to get that mandatory vaccine bill just
signed into law. But in the scheme of the big profits they expect to reap, the
extra 2-3 million they spent to get this law passed (The Sacramento Bee),
is but a drop in the bucket to the money
they just bought themselves.
There is blatant disregard of known epidemiologic facts by
the vaccine industry and the press surrounding them. They simply will not tell you
the indisputable facts.
In the 2012 whooping cough outbreak in Vermont, a
retrospective study was performed. This isn’t guess work or statistics folks,
this is the cold hard facts, looking back, by scientists.
In that outbreak, there were 178 confirmed cases of whooping
cough in children between six months and 18 years of age, 160 WERE vaccinated
with DTaP. Now, DTaP is to be given to a child FIVE times before entering
kindergarten. Not all were fully vaccinated the 5 times, but of the 160 who
were vaccinated at all, 142 of them had 5 or even 6 doses. That completely
kills the next argument which they lie to you about. They say those that get
sick of a particular disease weren’t fully vaccinated properly as scheduled. I
cry BS on that one because of the previous statistic that said 142 of 160 were
fully vaccinated, and still contracted the disease!
“The New England Journal of Medicine” published a study that
showed a child’s odds of contracting whooping cough increases 42% each year AFTER
receiving their 5th dose of DtaP vaccine. If you ask a
pharmaceutical company, that statistic means you apparently need a DTaP shot
every year! Apparently, they don’t work
as advertised when it comes to extended immunity.
California also had a whooping cough ‘epidemic’ last
year. After studying the 8215 pediatric
cases which they had vaccine histories on, a full 90% had a least one dose of
DTaP vaccine. Again, this shows they just don’t work.
Besides waning effectiveness of these shots, a fully
vaccinated person can become an asymptomatic pertussis carrier, and infect
others without even knowing they are sick. These outbreaks do not occur because
so few people are vaccinated, because 90% are, they occur due to
ineffectiveness of the vaccine and vaccinated asymptomatic carriers.
Again, a willful disregard of the facts is at work in those
pushing for mandatory vaccines. They will lie to you and make you doubt your
own research of the facts. These are facts, people, not opinions or made up
statistics. If you cannot argue the
facts, divert attention to those lousy people who won’t drink the government
grape juice and shoot poison right into their kids’ arms.