December 11, 2014

Flu Vaccine No Match

Articles by Dr. Erdman are for informational purposes, and are not to be taken as specific medical advice.

A very notable admission has come to the limelight in the last week. The CDC (Centers for Disease Control) has just issued a warning to doctors about this year’s flu vaccine. It doesn’t match the strains being found in most people in real world testing.

Now most of you know I am a total abstainer when it comes to vaccinations of any sort. They simply do not have any efficacy, and they are harmful to boot. For the sake of argument, let’s pretend that the flu vaccine works as they pretend.

Even then, this quote from a CDC official is laughable, “Though we cannot predict what will happen the rest of the flu season, it’s possible we may have a season that’s more severe than most.” Really? We could also have one that is less severe than most!

“CDC officials think the vaccine should provide some protection and are still urging people to get vaccinated. But it probably won’t be as good as if the vaccine strain was a match,“ Mike Stobbe of the AP reports. Well, isn’t that scientific. We think, it may, we hope it works?

Last year the CDC considered the flu vaccine a great match and a resounding success. Take a guess at how effective this awesome vaccine was.  90%, nope…80%, nope…60%, nope. Try 50 to 55% effective. And that’s a good year? So that means this year’s try at an ‘effective’ flu vaccine is going to be less than 50% effective according to the CDC. How do you like those odds?

Here are a few facts that are 100% true about the flu vaccine. The package insert admits this vaccine has “no controlled trials” for effectiveness. It also says, “Safety and effectiveness of Flulaval have not been established in pregnant women, nursing mothers or children.” Now isn’t that the exact group of people the doctors exhort to get the shot?

There is still mercury in flu vaccines. Read the label, it is listed right there. Mercury has also been verified by an independent lab from Anyone who claims mercury has been removed from all vaccines is either completely ignorant or willfully lying.

The same insert on vaccine vials admits they contain formaldehyde and sodium deoxycholate. Formaldehyde is a neurotoxin.

CDC officials are still urging people to get the vaccine. This is in the face of the death of twelve people in Italy after receiving the flu vaccine. Italy’s national health agency immediately issued a warning to its citizens to avoid this year’s flu vaccine. Not our CDC, they say full speed ahead, even if it doesn’t work and even if it’s killing people.

Ok, it probably won’t kill you, right? I’m not taking even that “remote” chance. But, what else does that package insert say it can do to you? Here is a short list: vomiting, chest pain, anaphylaxis, laryngitis, cellulitis, muscle weakness, arthritis, Guillain-Barre syndrome, seizures, convulsions, facial or cranial nerve paralysis, encephalopathy (brain swelling) and limb paralysis. These are those ones GlaxoSmithKline admit to on the label of Flulaval.

The thing you need to realize is that flu shots lack any scientific evidence of efficacy or safety. We don’t know if they work at all, but we can know the side effects just by observing people who get the shots. Doctors don’t know and the medical staff administering them are mostly clueless. Flu vaccines are injected into people on pure blind faith, period. They admit that in their best years, they are only 50 to 55% effective. And that is by their own definition of benefit. We can read plain English, and it says they are worthless and harmful to your health.

Forego the flu shot from now on; they simply are not good for your health.