Articles by Dr. Erdman are for informational purposes, and are not to be taken as specific medical advice.
Did you know that 80% of your immune system is located in
your digestive tract? Allergies, Psoriasis, Colitis periodontal disease, high blood
pressure, weight control and mental health are all indicated and linked to our
normal gut flora.
Your GI tract contains some 100 trillion bacteria - or at
least it should –which can weigh 2-3 pounds. The bacteria outnumber all the
other cells of your entire body by 10 to 1.
These bacteria are the major component of your immune
system. Contrary to the vaccine industries apparent dysfunctional theory that
antibody titers are all we need for disease suppression. Their underlying
premise is that vaccines give you higher titers of antibodies to fight off a
disease. They do that, temporarily, and no long term benefit remains. Hence,
your child needs “booster shots” to redo the entire process. But I digress.