Articles by Dr. Erdman are for informational purposes, and are not to be taken as specific medical advice.
I had another article about mothers and babies’ immunology in line for this week, but I just can’t pass up the recent news on the ineffectiveness of the whooping cough vaccine.Here is a quick refresher on medicine’s view of vaccines. They totally believe that receiving a vaccine for whooping cough is the same as actually getting it. We know this to be completely false in the world of real scientific evidence. Their own evidence bears this out. They have real data showing real failure of the current vaccine. They show that after the last ‘booster’ at around six years of age, the ‘protection’ rate falls from 95% to 71% in five years. Now, do you think your natural immunity, from getting the disease itself, would forget how to fight this disease in five years? No, it’s impossible.
The information that the whooping cough vaccine ‘wanes’ in effectiveness has been known for years. Its just that this year there is a major outbreak of it in vaccinated people all over the USA. Back in 2010, there was a major outbreak in California. They had over 1500 cases of reported whooping cough, and 10 infants allegedly died.