December 12, 2019

CBD Oil- Part 2

Articles by Dr. Erdman are for informational purposes, and are not to be taken as specific medical advice.

In this article, part two of our series of three articles, we will look at what your “Endocannabinoid System” or ECS, means to you.
Cannabinoid receptors on cells in your body were discovered in the 1990’s, ironically, after medicine declared we had already discovered all the systems in the body. Once receptors were found on cells, it was discovered that the body made compounds called endogenous cannabinoids that attach to and influence these receptor sites.

The ECS was found to orchestrate communication between body systems such as your respiratory, digestive, immune and cardiovascular systems. The ECS does this via receptors found on every organ, including your skin, brain and gut.
Your body produces cannabinoids similar in structure to those found in hemp. Your body feeds off them.  If you do not produce enough to feed every single receptor, illness will ensue.
There are two primary ECS receptors: CB1 and CB2. While CB1 is thought to primarily be located in the brain and CB2 primarily associated with the immune system, both types are found throughout the body. The skin has the highest density of any organ. This means topical application of hemp products is efficacious and effective if needed.
There are two primary endocannabinoids made by the body. One is Anandamide, which targets the CB1 receptors; and the other is 2- arachidonoylglycerol, or 2-AG, which targets CB2 receptors.
It was discovered over 100 years ago that not all substances in the bloodstream can reach the brain or spinal cord. There is something called the blood-brain barrier (BBB) that only allows certain chemicals to reach the neurological system, and prevents others from entering. CBD naturally can cross the BBB, and indicates there are receptors on the brain which helps maintain optimal health.
Endocannabinoids work indirectly through the same receptors as powerful opioid drugs to control pain. CB2 receptors stimulate opioid receptors in nerve pathways.
The ECS is a key player in inflammation. We’ve all heard that curcumin, fish oil and various other natural herbs are good at reducing inflammation. But none compare to what cannabinoids can do, especially when the full spectrum is used.
As you can see, the ECS is vitally important to your health. Your own body makes these compounds, but when it doesn’t keep up with your needs, illness is the outcome.
Stay tuned for the next article in which we will look at specific health conditions where full spectrum hemp can be used to support vital body functions.