Articles by Dr. Erdman are for informational purposes, and are not to be taken as specific medical advice.
This is a reprint of the second part of a series on the zika
virus from back in March. America is
being hoodwinked by this man made pandemic.
Arm yourself with knowledge and you won’t need to succumb to the scare
tactic that is zika this time around. Avian
flu, swine flu and the like are all precursors to this same scare
mongering. Did they ever
materialize? No, and not because we had
the cures, but because it was never a real threat. They were simply a means to an end to sell untested
vaccines at a high cost to American taxpayers, among other reasons. Same here.
Reread these other factors in play for why the zika virus is getting the
In the last article, we dove into the newest epidemic, the
Zika virus. We showed you how easily the numbers can be manipulated and
reported to show a non-existent crises. In humans, the Zika virus causes mild
flu-like symptoms with no previous evidence showing any birth defect
Let’s take a bird’s eye view of other factors that could be
playing a role in this microcephaly outbreak in Brazil. This outbreak is
occurring in a small area in Brazil, mainly a poverty stricken agricultural
area, known for its pollution and unsanitary conditions. This same area has had
Teratogenic Larvicide added to its drinking water for the last 18 months to
kill mosquitos. Brazil lifted its ban on spraying Neonicotinoids in 2012, about
the time the outbreak started. In October 2014, the Brazilian government
mandated all pregnant women be vaccinated by 20 weeks with Tdap vaccines. And
lastly, genetically modified mosquitos have been released in this area since
about 2012.