Articles by Dr. Erdman are for informational purposes, and are not to be taken as specific medical advice.
In the last article, we started to look at a few of the many
benefits of organic sulfur. Today, we will finish this topic with even more
benefits of OS, and how and when to take it.
Hesh Goldstein says OS may help with emphysema by providing
the body with the material needed to manufacture new healthy cells on the lung
walls. There is also good evidence to suggest help with asthmatic cases, even
proven to reverse countless cases.
OS makes cell walls more permeable, thereby flushing out
toxins more easily and introducing nutrients to the cells more quickly. There
are two practical problems this benefit can help overcome, one is hypoglycemia
and the other is an alcohol hangover. First, hypoglycemic people can get blood
sugar into cells more easily. Less insulin is then necessary for this process,
resulting in less overuse of the pancreas. Within several months of using OS,
hypoglycemia may be eliminated entirely. Secondly, for all you heathens who
drink to excess, using OS causes the body to rapidly reduce and release alcohol
toxins, removing them as waste: the process quickens recovery time from a
‘hangover’ to as little as twenty minutes.