April 07, 2022

Thrombogenic Hypothesis of Heart Disease-Part 2

Articles by Dr. Erdman are for informational purposes, and are not to be taken as specific medical advice.


Continuing our exploration of the thrombogenic hypothesis for heart disease, we will look at what damages the endothelial lining besides what we talked about in the last article.

We will bring this discussion to current events.  Why is having an infection with the Wuhan virus or getting one of the jabs leading to heart issues?.

Anyone following the news now knows that getting those mRNA jabs have proven to result in a problem of post-jab heart issues. Recent data shows everyone under the age of 80 is at higher risk of dying from the jab than of Covid itself. For those under 18 years old, they are 51 times more likely to die from the jab than from the actual virus if unvaccinated!