Articles by Dr. Erdman are for informational purposes, and are not to be taken as specific medical advice.
It’s been awhile since I’ve written on a chiropractic
specific topic. There is a lot of misinformation about intervertebral discs
from many sources. Most doctors believe that once a spinal disc or nerve is
damaged, you need surgery or are forced to live with pain, weakness and organ
malfunction for the rest of your life.
The truth is that while the spine can and does easily
degenerate, it can also regenerate. Conditions once thought to be permanent can
many times be stopped, and sometimes reversed. Chiropractic, like medicine, is
becoming more specialized all the time. The special training necessary to physically
change your condition by fixing your postural problems is not to be found at
every office, nor is every patient a candidate to be fixed. The process of
rehabilitating a degenerated spine is time consuming and requires significant
active participation from the patient. Not everyone is willing to put in the
time and effort necessary to achieve a better spine.