October 18, 2018

Sauna's for Health? Part 2

Articles by Dr. Erdman are for informational purposes, and are not to be taken as specific medical advice.

In the last article we examined many benefits of using a hot sauna for cardiovascular health, improving exercise stamina, pain relief and longevity. The most researched effect is detoxification of heavy metals, urea and environmental chemicals.

But, saunas do more than detoxify, they also have a huge effect on cellular mitochondria. These are the power plants found in every cell. They make ATP (energy) for the cells to do their jobs. ATP is necessary for every muscle contraction and relaxation, every biochemical process, all cellular regeneration and much more. They act as coordinators for programmed cell death, helping rid your body of damaged cells that can, at worst, turn to cancer.

October 04, 2018

Sauna's for Health? Part 1

Articles by Dr. Erdman are for informational purposes, and are not to be taken as specific medical advice.

When was the last time you got into a hot sauna?  Probably on your last vacation right?  And why did you use it?  Just to relax more than likely!  Did you know there are excellent health benefits of regular hot sauna use?

You’ve likely heard of a Finnish sauna.  That’s because the Finns have been using saunas for over 2000 years. A full 99% of Fins take at least one sauna per week! Here in the USA we mainly see them as a luxury for use at the gym or on vacation. But many in Finland have them right in their homes and businesses.