Articles by Dr. Erdman are for informational purposes, and are not to be taken as specific medical advice.
Is salt really bad for your blood pressure? There is a new
book by Dr. James DiNicolantonio called, “The Salt Fix: Why the Experts got it
All Wrong – And How Eating More Might Save Your Life.”
He found that patients who were on a low salt diet were
having many new symptoms like muscle fatigue, cramps, spasms and heart
palpitations. They were ordered not to add salt to food because they have high
blood pressure, yet were having all these new symptoms…those of salt
Historically, salt has been widely used the world over. It
was the primary way to preserve food prior to refrigeration. The rampant
increase in high blood pressure didn’t start until the early 1900’s. The rise
in hypertension, obesity and diabetes parallels a reduction in salt intake. Salt
intake has significantly decreased since the 1930’s, yet all these chronic
diseases have gone up.