February 23, 2017

Low Dose Naltrexone part 1

Articles by Dr. Erdman are for informational purposes, and are not to be taken as specific medical advice.

There aren’t many times when I’m excited for the possible uses of a prescription drug. Most medications have too many unintended consequences and treat symptoms rather than the cause of a particular disease. Health and recovery come from treating the causes of disease, whether that is inflammation, lack of essential nutrients, or physical inactivity. Obviously not all disease can be treated this way and medications are a necessary option if no others exist. Most times though, other options exist.

February 09, 2017

Opioid Use part 2

Articles by Dr. Erdman are for informational purposes, and are not to be taken as specific medical advice.

In the second part of this two column series on opioid use and abuse, we will cover some health issues caused by the drugs and what other remedies may be effective for pain control.
First, though, a recap is in order. Many politicians and doctors now regard opioid addiction as a ‘disease.’ Unfortunately, it is a disease knowingly created by the drug making industry with the federal governments’ permission. These are facts, based on admissions of falsely advertising their pills to doctors and patients in a court, and paying hundreds of millions in fines. The government is culpable because they believed the company’s initial lies and sanctioned their use to the public. Read the last article for an in depth review of these matters.

As it turns out, opioid drugs are very potent immune suppressors. They wreck your health from day one, leaving your health worse off by simply taking these drugs. It has been shown that these drugs cause an over stimulation of the opioid receptors, resulting in severe immune impairment.

According to Dr. Thomas Cowan from the Weston Price Foundation, “you will typically see that as soon as a patient starts taking opiates for chronic pain [or whatever reason] their health rapidly declines as their immune system becomes increasingly compromised.”