Articles by Dr. Erdman are for informational purposes, and are not to be taken as specific medical advice.
The heat of summer is here. The humidity makes some days
unbearable, so we hide in the air conditioning. At those times you choose to be
outside or must be in the heat, do you stay hydrated?
During strenuous activities, especially in the summer heat,
we need to replenish liquids and sometimes, electrolytes. On a daily basis,
listening to your thirst mechanism is a good way to stay hydrated. Pure, clean
water is vital for optimal health.
Once your body has lost 1-2% of its total water content, you
start to feel thirsty. During times of heavy exercise or work, by the time you
feel thirsty you are already dehydrated to some degree. This is why it is
important to drink plenty of liquids prior to and during periods of heavy
sweating. Professional athletes tend to know this.